Choose the Right Color Temperature

If you upgraded the ceiling lights in your office, you already know the benefits of a well-lit room. Good lighting not only benefits the office, but also benefits homes, industrial buildings, parking lots and more. However, you can't get rid of this strange feeling when you sit at your desk. You can see your room clearly, but it feels a bit wrong. So, you are sitting in a sly room and guessing your decision.

Using LED lighting is the best decision you can make for the visibility and cost-effectiveness of your electricity bill. Most people buy LED ceiling lights for their home or office, but don't pay attention to the color temperature of their products. Choosing the right color temperature can be very helpful in influencing people's moods and their body's response to LED lights. This is more than just brightness! So which color temperature is right for you?


What is color temperature?

The color temperature is represented by the number (the temperature at which the light works) and the capital letter K (Kelvin). This measure basically tells you the hue of white light. Use the basis of the correlated color temperature (CCT) to specify the number.


The lower the Kelvin rating, the warmer the light, and vice versa. “Warm” and “Cool” do not describe the working temperature of the light, but rather the effect of light on us. The 3000K light looks more like a standard incandescent light bulb, while the 5000K light has a blue tint and the color intensity is closer to the sun.


Which white should I choose?

The mood you pursue will determine the color temperature of the LED lighting. The amount of white in your room will magnify this effect. If your space has white walls and ceilings, and you choose a warmer white tone, it will look warmer than using a dark color scheme. Conversely, if your room is mostly dark, you may need a cooler white tone so you can see the room clearly. Choose from three basic white tones to help you determine which LED lighting is best for your room.


Warm Tones

The warm light is in the range of 3000K-4000K with a soft yellow hue and a white appearance. The lower temperature lighting creates a warm and cosy atmosphere for you to relax. They also reduce eye fatigue and fatigue, at least interfere with the body's ability to produce melatonin, a substance that helps you fall asleep. This type of lighting is often referred to as "warm white" and is ideal for living in privacy and striking spaces, balancing the relaxed atmosphere with the efficient feel.


Neutral Tones

Neutral lighting is the best representative for the 4000K-5000K series and is ideal for commercial and retail lighting applications. The high-bay LED lights and other solutions are transparent and pure white, which is ideal for warehouses and supermarkets without a lot of white tones. Like warmer color temperatures, neutral lights do not cause eye strain or other irritation, such as headaches. If you want to create a workspace for an efficient classroom or office, use neutral white LED lighting.

Cool Tones

The 5700K-6000K LED lights provide the clearest, freshest and vibrant atmosphere. They emit extremely white output with a blue hue that mimics daylight, so they are usually not used for residential purposes. The harshness of colder lighting can cause eye irritation and hinder melatonin production and sleep cycles, but it contributes to alertness and productivity, which is why it is often used in factories and offices. As with the 5000K, you can use cooler white light to create a vibrant display area to attract customers. You can also find 5700K-6000K lighting in the workplace parking lot and stadium, where visibility and activity are very important.


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