How to retrofit parking lot lighting

When considering upgrade parking lot lighting, the options probably seem endless. The starting point though is to ask yourself if the better option is to either replace the all of the parking lot fixtures or simply retrofit existing fixtures with LED bulbs? Keep reading to understand how to retrofit parking lot lighting.


Replace parking lot lighting fixture


Replacing all parking lot lights should be your first choice. If the budget is adequate, using a lamp specifically designed to handle LED technology ensures proper heat dissipation, higher lumen output and a more modern look overall. The old fixture slides down and the new fixture slides into place to reduce installation time.


Retrofitting existing lights fixtures


Understandably, Replacement of all parking lot lighting equipment is not the most popular choice. This is usually due to insufficient owner budget or consideration of overall appearance. In these cases, It is best to retrofit existing fixtures with new LED hardware. Compared to unscrewing an old bulb and screwing in a new LED bulb, retrofitting a bulb is much more complicated. It is usually a pull apart the existing fixture and replace the ballast with an LED driver. In some cases, existing sockets can be used, but if they are not available, they must be rewired.



Cautions when planning to upgrade parking lot lighting


Although the cost of retrofitting LED lights in parking lots is lower, there are still some factors to consider in your plan. Older high-intensity discharge devices cannot effectively dissipate heat, so LED retrofits cannot be performed. This usually leads to manufacturers add fans inside the LED bulb, which is another step in the process. Controlling the light coming out of the LED parking lot lights can also become more of a challenge—switching from a HID lights fixture to a directional LED lights fixture may not allow the current fixture reflector to not work as well. This makes it almost impossible to know the performance of the fixture before installation.


In the past few years, the LED lighting technology has improved a lot. Manufacturers have begun to realize that their previous corncob-style lamps cannot adapt to all situations. This has led to the use of different types of light bulbs in almost every case.


When making the decision upgrade your parking lot lights, The best LED solution involves more than material costs. When evaluating how to retrofit LED lights into your parking lot, additional labor, use life and installation performance should be a key part of the decision-making process.


For more information on led parking lot lights retrofit please visit our LED Parking Lot Lighting page.

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